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Showing posts from June, 2011

Everyday's Morning Routines

I love my everyday's morning routines. It's always starts from wake up at 6 o'clock almost every morning then i'll do a bath and then praying and read koran. Then i do make up while getting the iri\on and water warm. Yap after that i ironing my veil and make myself a cup of hot chocolate/cereal/tea or else that i could bring to office to start my day. Then at 7 am sharp i go downstairs and take my breakfast in a tupperware that has been prepare by my dorm keeper. Then i go to office and arrive about 7 past 5! Yes it's past 5, it's only got 5 minutes to go to my office from dorm. And i took a car and there's no traffic! NEVER! Crazy city, cool city :)). After arrived at office, i'll eat my breakfast right after morning briefing. Then i'll brush my teeth, do some recover make up, then i'm ready to starting works :)). I turn on the computer, sitting comfortly in my chair, wear some bodyshop jasmine lotion in my hands, and start with opening e-mail....

Hard-Through Diet

Oh my god, 8 bulan sebelum the wedding day (yes i hope it's not changing again) , dan aku masih 67 kiloooo... Mewek parah sampe gulung-gulung! Tantangan terberat dalam diet ini aalah melawan nafsu diri sendiri. Nafsu pengen makan, nafsu masih pengen ngemil, nafsu pengen makan malam.. Banyaak banget godaan :(. Ga kerasa udah sekitar sebulan lebih 2 minggu aku berobat ke dr. Sugeng and yet? 60 kgs yet to come :(. Sebenernya dietnya gampang banget. Dokternya baik dan sangat pengertian. Tiap 2 minggu dia jadwalin aku kontrol, timbang-konsultasi-dikasih obat tradisional/herbal sama minuman pengganti makan-trus kadang relaksasi. Rasanya enaak banget. Ya konsultasinya, ya relaksasinya, ya obat tradisional/herbalnya, ya cereal sama green powdernya. ENAK :)). Dua minggu pertama aku berhasil, beratku turun 2 kg! Tapi 2 minggu berikutnya i was failed. Beratku naik 2 kg, jadi balik normal lagi. Susaah banget konsisten turun 2 kg per 2 minggu. Sekarang udah masuk minggu ke 6 dan beratku masih...