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Super Agree

God this #GoodThoughts from my ODP friend. Maybe he's right and i might share it in my blog. Read this friends & get ready to loosen up your stress :).

Always Leave Office On Time

1. Work is never ending process, You can never finish the works.
2. Interest of a client is not more important than your FAMILY.
3. If you fall in your life, your boss or client will not be the person to offer a helping hand but your FAMILY and FRIENDS will do.
4. Life does not mean coming to office, going home and sleeping. There's more to a life. You need time to socialize, entertainment, exercise and relaxation, don't make your life meaningless.
5. A person who sits in office till late is not a hardworking person. He is a fool who doesn't now how to manage works within stipulated time. Beside, he is a loser in life who doesn't have personal or social life.
6. You did not study hard and struggle in the life to be a machine and live a meaningless life.
7. If your boss forces you to work late. Just forward him this message. He will try to make his/her life meaningful too.

Leaving Office on Time: More productivity, good social life, good family relations

Leaving Office Late : Less productivity, no social life, no family life.

Pasted from Nicodemus Kurniawan. Thx so much, Nico!

♥ ♡ ♥

Sent from My BlackBerry ♥


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