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Showing posts from 2008

"Kau kupuja sampai mati kupuja..."

Ahahahaha.. jijik banget kalo denger lirik lagu itu. Ga banget deh. But sorry to say, skarang bukan itu yang pengen aku omongin. Gotcha! =). Alhamdulillah Obama menang, rasanya seneng2 gimanaa gitu. Aku mpe upload lagunya yang Yes, we can" sama yang ada kata-katanya "Obama.. Obama.." trus blum lagi victory speech nya aku dengerin berulang-ulang di You tube. Trus mentengin kehadirannya di David Letterman Show, liat video absurd rivalnya Sarah Palin-Mc Cain.. Yah itu salah satu contoh pengidolaanku sama dia. Walopun ga ada hubungannya sama skali sama bangsa Indonesia, tapi rasanya seneng aja lihat new hope dan new brighter day disana. dalam negri? Eneg banget liat poster2, spanduk dengan ulisan "Caleg No. bala bal Dapil BlaBla.." Tai smua. Emang mreka bisa apa? Unrasional!! udah gitu Pilgub jatim yang rusuh kalah ga trima nuntut ke Mahkamah Konstitusi. Di Pesantren ga diajarin legowo yah?? Anjrit kampung banget! Huah, ngomongin Politik emang ga ada abisnya, tha

Mati Suri

Very long time no see. i think since i entered college again. sucks. tiring. full schedule. tight exercise. chased deadline. terrible situation. but thank's god i got my friends family and my lovely boyfriend around me =) Don't we should thankful for them? Unseen but they covered us. Hihi. Ramadhan and 'silaturahmi' trip was veeryyy tiring, too. You know what? I think i'm just wanna skip the man who has very big family with many relatives. 'Coz it will take me so looong time to visit them! Like my pap's family, damn. It was hooorrible to drive from Surabaya-Bangil-Surabaya on first day, Surabaya-Mojokerto-Surabaya on the second day, and Surabaya-Malang-Surabaya on the third day. Very thank's god. Hope you didn't do the same thing as I did. Happy post-Lebaran!!  


actually, this semester i want to take my thesis class (what should you say 'skripsi' in english? haha). but you know what? our beloved lecturers in IR didn't permitted it! How dare them? They said i should finish my seminar first, but hello??

After I Graduate ..

What will i do ? I mean, aku udah lulus, trus apa yang mau aku lakukan ? Well, yg pasti aku pgn nglamar kerja, cari yg bagus dan qualified .. Ya iyalah, kagak mau dong jadi kutui loncat yang suka pindah-pindah tempat kerja .. Hellooo ???? Kagak suka guah yang begituan :( Oya, i have some targets to be done before my graduation ceremony and of course get to job :) . * duduk dan berdiri tegak * kurangin ngupil (apalagi di depan umum) * diet ! target anda adalah mencapai berat 50 kg (kalo pengen pake kebaya turquoisenya yangti) * manjangin rambut * jangan makan pedes, minum dingin-dingin !! Hohoho .. Wish me luck yah .. Btw baru nemu situs lucu hari ini ! Nih linknya : Au Revoir !

Where do we go from here?

Huah.. ga terasa udah semester 7 akhir, bis gini udah UAS. Seneng seneng gimana gitu, tapi agak miris juga sih coz biez ni kan udah mule bayar2 lagi.. tapi tetep aja aku seneng soalnya that means kuliahku usai! bis gitu liburan, yang practically aku KKN.. Huhuhu.. But tahnk's god di penghujung tahun ini aku banyak senengnya such as: * Prancisku nile tertinggi sekelas * Dah ganti HP candy bar jadi ga ndrawasi lagi * bis gini aku ultah jadi resolusinya harus dibuat sebaik mungkin, secara akhir tahun dan menyambut tahun baruku barengan sama bertambahnya usia

"They 'touched' me!"

Last weekend I went to Blitar with my mother and lovely elder aunt. Actually, I didn’t ‘went for recreation’ or something, but I DROVE them to Blitar. Haha. Drop-and –picking thing as usual. I spent only one night in Blitar, departed on 9 a.m. at Saturday and went home at 11 a.m. at Sunday. Wheww, it was a very tiring trip! For girl like me, driving for about 4-6 hours from Surabaya to Blitar sure are unlovely. And since last weekend was a long weekend (we got holiday in Saturday, Sunday and Monday, didn’t we?) so the road was veeerryyy traffic and busy!! Wow, so much adventuring and challenging for me.  On the way from Surabaya to Blitar we stopped by at Kediri, picked up my elder uncle and my lovely cousin. And then we continued the trip to Blitar. But this is where the story begin. There was a looong march to celebrated Indonesia’s Independence Day! The long march was followed by high school’s student, employees, and so on. The road was veerryy full of people marching ‘till I cou

Aargghh!! Dilemma!!

Today I should collect the college's study plan. The content is about the subject that I will took for this semester. But I'm confused!! What should I take? Will it be giving me nice mark? Since I'm in the last semester (before thesis, I hope) so I have to choose the subject that will be advantegous for granting a good GPA. It's important of course for search a job, the enterprises usually look at the GPA first before decided to interview you. But honestly I got curious, Is that only the important thing? Because you know, sometimes i keep asking why they're so determinating by this point of view, it's unfair at all. Actually, my CEO friend said that he will rather look at the person's capabilities rather than the person's GPA or which universities they came from. Nowadays people keep dividing the person's opportunities to search a job. They said that (and they believed) the person's with good GPA and from the state university will be easier to

'Picking-up' Things

Kemaren ada kejadian yang njengkelin banget. Seperti biasa aku mesti jemput adekku yang SD (named Igar) dan adekku yang SMA (named Tedo). Si Igar minta dijemput jam 1, oke jadi setelah aku ngumpulin KRS ku (akhirnya aku ga ngambil skripsi, puas Bu Kajur?)dan makan siang sama pacarku (named Adyt) aku langsung jemput Igar. BIasanya nih Igar udah dibilangin mamaku (named 'Nya) kalo udah pulang jam 1 pas suruh nunggu di depan sekolah. Tapi waktu aku kesana yang ada aku malah ngetem di depan sekolahnya lamaaa sampe dibel-belin orang-orang dan Igar ga muncul-muncul juga. Akhirnya dengan berat hati aku muter dulu buat markirin mobil, and believe me, karna jam pulang sekolah jadi aku dapet tempat parkir yang jauh banget dari sekolahnya. Abis markir aku jalan ke sekolah, sempet nunggu bentar di lapangan sambil ngeliatin tingkat atas 'coz biasannya Igar nunggu di situ. Eh dia ga kliatan-kliatan juga. Akhirnya aku naik dan apa? Cuma ada tasnya doang orangnya ga ada! And then aku telpon ad

Panic at the Pengajian

Sebelumnya sempet dilema juga bakal aku isi dengan bahasa apa blog-ku ini. Maunya sih pake bahasa inggris terus gitu sekalian ngasah kemampuan grammarku yang tak seberapa tapi bikin iri ini, tapi kok takutnya nanti ada yang salah persepsi dikira ini blognya orang bule (in my imagination only, hehe). Jadi ya sudahlah kita buat bilingual saja, sesuai dengan suasana hatiku dan kapasitas otakku, haha. Sakarepe dewe. Benernya aku lagi nyusun KRS sekarang, tapi ga tau napa belum dapet inspirasi. Pengennya ngambil Penulisan Skripsi gitu sekarang (bakal amazing banget, ntar temen-temenku ngomong, "Wih! Kaka dah ngambil skripsi lo semester ini!" Trus ntar ibuku ngomong sama budhe-budheku "Iya, semester iki Tika wes njupuk skripsi." Yah, mungkin ntar ta bilangin ta suruh sambil agak merendah gitu lah). Tapi mungkin karna niatku yang tdk baik itu lah, dan mungkin karna ga lillahi ta'ala, jadinya aku belum dibolehin ngambil skripsi semester ini sama dosen waliku. Padahal S

Glasses.. Oh, Glasses!

I'm just arrived from seeing my auntie's new house in Garuda street, Rewwin. You know what? It bring back old memories when i moved to Malang 3-4 years ago. It was so excited to have a new house. The smell of the new paint and everything, i got my new room, how i decorated the house, etc. I just can't explain it. That was wonderful. And after that i went to my other auntie's house to look for a new glasses for. You know, since i've to wear glasses for the rest of my life ( i can't wear soft lense, too so you better thankful if you got healthy eyes), i have to change my glasses very often because i got bored so fast with only 1 kind of glasses (imagine if you have to wear it all day and all the time, it's sucks sometime). So, i have to have at least 2 glasses so that i can wear it in a different time. And for today i try to look for a frameless glassesfor on screen. Last month i got my first screentest and i think if i wear a full-frame-glasses it will be di

Jogjakarta Hadiningrat

I did crazy things in my early holiday. Me, my sister and our beloved mom went to Jogjakarta (yes, Jogjakarta) by train (alone, just the three of us) and spend ONE NIGHT ONLY in Jogjakarta! Actually, we plan to go for 2 days but we're too harsh and spent all money we have only in 1 day =p Huwaaa!!! That was the craziest thing i've done in my life! Firstly, we try to find a motel. And finally we found a motel in Dagen street (we didn't bring a car so we try to seek for a motel in the nearest street from Malioboro and Beringharjo - 2 things that matters if you go to Jogjakarta - with only 120.000 rp/night! Howaa, that's kinda new to me.. We went to Malioboro, walk through the long road with sight seeing to those expensive stuffs, and planned to buy everything in Beringharjo. Beringharjo was so damn cool! You can buy a wooden bag starting from 15.000-45000 rp. And of course you can buy Batik. We didn't ride TransJogja already because we don't have enough tim