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Showing posts from March, 2012

Papuma Beach

Today we're going to Papuma Beach in Jember!! YAAYYY!! :)) Stories and photos to come, do wait ;). Cheers! ❤Atika


I heard that you're settled down That you found a girl and you're married now. I heard that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you. Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light. I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it. I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded That for me it isn't over. Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you too Don't forget me, I beg I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, " Yeah You know how the time flies Only yesterday was the time of our lives We were born and raised In a summer haze Bound by the surprise of our glory days I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it. I'd hoped you'd se

Chicken Singapore Steak ❤

Ini enak banget! INI ENAK BANGET!! Menu favorit di Cafe Wilis Malang, pas di atasnya Holland Bakery di Jalan Wilis. Tempatnya asli cozy, menu makanannya enak-enak, pelayanannya memuaskan banget :). Chicken Steak Singapore ini cuma 22rb saja! :) Sent from my iPhone ❤

Chicken Steak Singapore ❤

Ini enak banget! INI ENAK BANGET!! Menu favorit di Cafe Wilis Malang, pas di atasnya Holland Bakery di Jalan Wilis. Tempatnya asli cozy, menu makanannya enak-enak, pelayanannya memuaskan banget :). Chicken Steak Singapore ini cuma 22rb :). Sent from my iPhone ❤

Waroeng Spesial Sambal

Old one. New one.

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What's Inside

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Icy Blue

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What I Wear on Friday

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Atikasari Savitri shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there, Atikasari Savitri just shared an Instagram photo with you: view full image "#instagram #frametastic #lomo #todaysoutfit ##whatiwear #dianpelangi'shijab #peach #cardigan #bags " Thanks, The Instagram Team

Durian Bangkok!! :))

Akhirnya keturutan beli durian Bangkok!! Ini beli di Pratunam Market, cuma 50 Baht! *sekitar 15rb rp* Rasanya muwaniiisss.... ♥ ♡ ♥

Buah Tangan

Ini adalah sebagian dari oleh-oleh yg kita beli buat keluarga di Indo. 2 keluarga. Much gifts. Hahaha.. Au revoir, Thailand! (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ) ♥ ♡ ♥

Last Day at Bangkok

Hari ini kita pulang. Sengaja pake baju kembaran I ♥ Bangkok ini, hihihi.. Adyt maluuuwww.. Hahahhaaa :)). ♥ ♡ ♥

Just Met! ♥

Just meet up with my lovely cousin, Widy, who lives in Bangkok! So lovely!! :)) Sekarang dia tambah cantik :')). Can't wait to see u in May, Widyy!! ♥ ♡ ♥

Casing iPhone

Lihatlah, casingku sama Adyt. Sesuai dengan tema pernikahan kita. Hahaha.. Happy! :)) Beli di iStudi Pantip Plaza, @ 590 Baht *sekitar 180rb rp* ♥ ♡ ♥

Please Have a Good Attitude

Ada 2 org ibu memasuki toko pakaian & ingin membeli baju. Ternyata pemilik toko lagi bad mood sehingga tidak melayani dgn baik, malah terkesan buruk, tidak sopan dgn muka cemberut. Ibu pertama jengkel menerima layanan yg buruk seperti itu. Yg mengherankan, ibu kedua tetap enjoy, bahkan bersikap sopan pd penjualnya. Ibu pertama bertanya, "Mengapa Ibu bersikap demikian sopan pd penjual yg menyebalkan itu?" Lantas dijawab, "Kenapa aku harus mengizinkan dia menentukan caraku dlm bertindak? Kitalah penentu atas hidup kita, bukan org lain." "Tapi ia melayani kita dgn buruk sekali" bantah Ibu pertama. "Itu masalah dia. Kalau dia mau bad mood, tdk sopan, melayani dgn buruk dll, toh tdk ada kaitannya dng kita. Kalau kita sampai terpengaruh, berarti kita membiarkan dia mengatur & menentukan hidup kita, padahal kita yg bertanggung jawab atas diri kita," jelas Ibu kedua. Tindakan kita kerap dipengaruhi oleh tindakan org lain.