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Showing posts from October, 2008

Mati Suri

Very long time no see. i think since i entered college again. sucks. tiring. full schedule. tight exercise. chased deadline. terrible situation. but thank's god i got my friends family and my lovely boyfriend around me =) Don't we should thankful for them? Unseen but they covered us. Hihi. Ramadhan and 'silaturahmi' trip was veeryyy tiring, too. You know what? I think i'm just wanna skip the man who has very big family with many relatives. 'Coz it will take me so looong time to visit them! Like my pap's family, damn. It was hooorrible to drive from Surabaya-Bangil-Surabaya on first day, Surabaya-Mojokerto-Surabaya on the second day, and Surabaya-Malang-Surabaya on the third day. Very thank's god. Hope you didn't do the same thing as I did. Happy post-Lebaran!!  


actually, this semester i want to take my thesis class (what should you say 'skripsi' in english? haha). but you know what? our beloved lecturers in IR didn't permitted it! How dare them? They said i should finish my seminar first, but hello??

After I Graduate ..

What will i do ? I mean, aku udah lulus, trus apa yang mau aku lakukan ? Well, yg pasti aku pgn nglamar kerja, cari yg bagus dan qualified .. Ya iyalah, kagak mau dong jadi kutui loncat yang suka pindah-pindah tempat kerja .. Hellooo ???? Kagak suka guah yang begituan :( Oya, i have some targets to be done before my graduation ceremony and of course get to job :) . * duduk dan berdiri tegak * kurangin ngupil (apalagi di depan umum) * diet ! target anda adalah mencapai berat 50 kg (kalo pengen pake kebaya turquoisenya yangti) * manjangin rambut * jangan makan pedes, minum dingin-dingin !! Hohoho .. Wish me luck yah .. Btw baru nemu situs lucu hari ini ! Nih linknya : Au Revoir !

Where do we go from here?

Huah.. ga terasa udah semester 7 akhir, bis gini udah UAS. Seneng seneng gimana gitu, tapi agak miris juga sih coz biez ni kan udah mule bayar2 lagi.. tapi tetep aja aku seneng soalnya that means kuliahku usai! bis gitu liburan, yang practically aku KKN.. Huhuhu.. But tahnk's god di penghujung tahun ini aku banyak senengnya such as: * Prancisku nile tertinggi sekelas * Dah ganti HP candy bar jadi ga ndrawasi lagi * bis gini aku ultah jadi resolusinya harus dibuat sebaik mungkin, secara akhir tahun dan menyambut tahun baruku barengan sama bertambahnya usia